26 abril 2008

Anina y el lobo

4 comentarios:

Bahne13 dijo...

Let me be the first to say your art is simple but also very great !

Anónimo dijo...

Regards from Cadaques Anina !
Marc M

Anónimo dijo...

Hola Angeleta. Trobo molt xulos i divertits aquests dibuixos per a mainada. Per cert, només per curiositat,aproximadament per a quin públic(edat) estan pensats?

El de l'aigua és el que m'ha agradat més. Continua creant i disfrutant.
Molts petons.

Narcís Sala Valeri

My Summer of Love dijo...

Hello dear Angela Muss, one of my favorite artists and favorite people. I'm sorry I'm not around the place as much as before, but I still adore you!

And hello dear Anina-- with your mushroomly painted red and white hair...I can't get enough. I wish I could see you in one thousand more adventures. You're so smart.

